Sunday 4 January 2015

No. 16 The Breakfast Club, Soho London.

No 16 The Breakfast Club, Soho.

Your Editor meeting some Belgian breakfast fans
while a the man in front cranes his
neck towards his breakfast.  

This place is popular. To enjoy this restaurant you have to be willing to stand outside for half an hour before they find a place for you to sit. Whilst standing in the cold doesn’t exactly warm the cocklesas a restaurant welcome,  it did give us a chance to relive the experience of queuing for night clubs and theme park rides and also the chance to meet some of the very friendly tourist/hipster clientele that keep the tables so very full.

Once inside myself and (see breakfast No.11) John Risky did the decent thing and allowed a couple of chilly fellow diners to join us at our table in what was a winning move in the blog's first game of diner Tetris.

Fry-up Turncoat

The Breakfast

After such a mouth-watering wait I decided to go for the 'Full Monty' which was a round £10. The atmosphere in the place was laid back and spirits were high but I recoiled in horror and started to seriously doubt my dining partners commitment to fry ups when he didn't order one. Shocking.


The breakfast is costly and does not include a cup of tea but nevertheless it justified the expense. The 'toasted Multigrain Bloomer' was great quality and were a great stage for the eggs. Mushrooms and black pudding were lovely. The tomato could have been fried a bit longer but it went well with the 'home-style fried potatoes'. Not sure what made them home-style. The sausage was great; herby and lovely when cut in half and wrapped in half the toast.

Overall it's a great place to eat. They're really friendly there, the food is good, and it's a cosy place to sit and chew over the issues of the day. It was a great meal.

Your Editor

Needless to say afterwards I was a full English. 8/10. Could have thrown tea in.