Friday 21 March 2014

No 14. Kingston University Campus Canteen.

No 14.  Kingston University Campus Canteen.

New John Grey
As your Editor is now currently a Social Work student at Kingston University (Kingston Hill Campus) it seemed only proper that I should review the fry up that is on offer at Kingston University’s inventively named ‘FoodStore’. So it was that your Editor and RTWOAFU newcomer New John Grey decided to meet early to stock on some grease before another rigorous day of squinting at Powerpoint slides and breaking into little groups for discussion.

We took our trays and moved round the ample ‘tray railway’ to the unmanned breakfast station. There was an impressive display on a flat screen above the breakfast explaining the £3 for 6 items policy. I decided to reward the trust shown by the unmanned hotplate by putting a seventh item on my plate and just staying quiet when I got to the till. The till lady dealt with me capably and just asked if I had six items knowing I had seven. I forced a note of shock in my voice and paid the extra 60 pence. Living on the edge. that a bit of baguette?
The sausage was of a good quality but seemed to have been cooked a while ago. The sausage and bacon suffer more than most when left under the heat lamps for any period of time. Whereas beans or scrambled egg can sit and marinade to perfection the sausage deflates and is left a shadow of his fried plump prime. The fried bread was the real star and as it was a granary slice it was a real treat. The mushrooms lacked imagination; how hard would it be to season them a tiny bit while cooking? The hash brown was a delight and it was all washed down by a lovely tea.
The fact that if taken daily it condemns the mature students to a certain coronary, and the undergraduates to an unmanageable toilet paper bill, it had to be said the it was quite good. It lacked imagination and character but for £3 it’s amazing!

Needless to say afterwards I certainly was a full English. 7/10